Los cuentos de Hermione

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Let's play to life!

Estoy cansada de ser la misma,
de ser la chica a la que todos conocen,
estoy harta de ser una chica formal,
de que nadie vea de lo que soy capaz, ...
Quiero soltarme la melena
aunque solo sea una vez,
Quiero vivir la vida...!

¿No te has enterado?
el rapto ha llegado,
Bailemos sobre los que no aprovecharon su vida,
Disfruta de tus ultimos momentos de vida! ;)

Sonrie, salta, rie, baila,
que se queden con la boca abierta,
no eres una roca,
que se queda pegada al suelo
No malgastes un segundo de vida,
puede ser mucho tiempo!

¿No te has enterado?
el rapto ha llegado,
Bailemos sobre los que no aprovecharon su vida,
Disfruta de tus ultimos momentos de vida! ;)

Nunca es tarde,
recuerda que una vida esta llena de alegrias
pero tambien de decepciones,
no te dejes engañar por los cuentos de princesas
los principes no vienen a por ti,
tu tienes que ir a por ellos...!

¿No te has enterado?
el rapto ha llegado,
Bailemos sobre los que no aprovecharon su vida,
Disfruta de tus ultimos momentos de vida! ;)

Quiero una vida llena
de alegrias, decepciones, risas, depresiones ...
quiero vivir a lo grande,
para recordar lo bien que me lo pase,
sin malgastar ni un segundo,
la vida es corta,
no quiero recordar solo malos momentos!;)

¿No te has enterado?
el rapto ha llegado,
Bailemos sobre los que no aprovecharon su vida,
Disfruta de tus ultimos momentos de vida! ;)
By: Atenea!:)

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

:) Nothing...

And I swear that I can't more! ... Uff ... all I find strange, not like before, everything looked great ... it's like when things go well, but not like you the expected, as ifmissing something, that spark that makes us all so special, it's like would have lost ...uff ... -. - ... But when I needed you most, the more I wanted to see, the more I wantedyou near me, tell me happens ... You aren't ... It is as if the weight of the earth fall onme ... waiting and waiting and you do not show ... I know, it's all up to me ... I just wantsome quiet, unhurried, to think and come to a conclusion, because in reality my life is not bad ... I have some great friends, friends are a little strange but the best! and a brother who hardly see, but when I see it ... without comment, and a mother ... of whichI can not complain because they care a lot for me, ... Among all make me feel very loved ... and no I would do without them ... Honestly, for them regain that spark that makes me so special ... and smile every day that goes with them ...! :) They are myfuture ... and never gave up to them! :)

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Let's play to life!

Yes, I don't write stories, adventures, just my thoughts than a few...
I may have changed, I'm not going to say no, it's just that life is not as easy as it looks, from tiny we aretelling all you have to do, but nobody tells us what it costs ...
Times change and I also, I'm getting older and increasingly unbearable .. -. -. more and more studying, learning more things, more obligations, because not everything is a holiday, you feel that everything that happens, it's like, you want me to swallow the earth ... And more and more and more every time you can least ... And the only thing that consoles me is that within a few years, be able to live my life, far from here ... But meanwhile, with his head held high, and if something hurts you, grit your teeth and SMILE :)